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Happy Mothers Day Quotes and Sayings Collection

Nothing can be compared to the love a mother has for her children. Your love is incomparable, unconditional and inseparable. No matter where do you go or what should you do, at the end of the day You always find yourself finding solace of your Mother's advice. Happy Mother’s day!

Check out our collection of inspiring, warmest, and the latest Mothers Day Quotes and Sayings Collection will surely make you inspire by for you and to share with. If you have your own favorite Mothers Day Quotes and Sayings even in Tagalog / Pinoy, we would love to hear it, simply add a comment below or just email it to us with a subject: mothers day, and will posted up for you. Hope you'll like it!

I may not always spell it out to you but you are everything to me. I must have often denied, but the truth is that I can never ever survive without you. I owe you so much, but you will never ask. For all of this and much more, thank you dearest mother. Happy Mother’s day.


I love you so much. I am lucky because I have you. Some love one some love two but I love you. Happy Mother’s Day!!


I always pray to God, May you live long, May you always be with me.  Love you more than my life.  Love You Mom.

I feel so safe in this world because I already know that no matter what, you will always be there for me to watch my back and pick me up whenever I fall. Mommy you are the best! I love you so much.
Happy Mother’s Day.

If there’s one person in this world who can love us unconditionally, care for us without limits and make us smile effortlessly, it is you dear mother. I wish you a lifetime of happiness. I love you. Happy Mother’s day.


I love my mom. No matter what we go through, no matter how much we argue because I know, at the end she’ll always be there for me.


Life has never been perfect. It probably never will. But I will never ever lose hope, because I know I always have you to stand by me even if the whole world falls apart. I love you mother, so much more than you even know. Happy Mother’s day to you.


Mother is an undying love, A love beyond compare, the one you take your troubles to, she is the one who really cares. Mother you are all of this and more, I love you very much!


My mom is a never-ending song in my heart of comfort, happiness, and being.
I may sometimes forget the words but I always remember the tune.


My Mother, my friend so dear, Throughout my life you’re always near, A tender smile to guide my way,  You’re the sunshine to light my day.


No other present in the world can be more special and beautiful than the gift of a mother. I am so so glad to have you. Happy Mother’s day. Have an awesome day! May God bless.


Mom’s smiles can brighten any moment, Mom’s hugs put joy in all our days, Mom’s love will stay with us  ever and touch our lives in precious ways…


I just want you to know how special and fortunate I find myself to be blessed with a mother as loving, caring and wonderful as you. Happy Mother’s day to you dearest Mom!


I love you a lot and always will. We know that you’ll always love us too, you’ll always care for us, no matter what the age. Just know no matter what you do, no one will be able to replace you.

Mommy, I Love You For all that you do. I’ll kiss you and hug you Cause you love me, too.


Mommy, I love you, for all that you do. I’ll kiss you & hug you, because you love me, too. You feed me & need me, to teach you to play, So smile because I love you, On this Mother’s Day.


A mother’s work is never done, She works from morning until dawn, She spreads her love And keeps you  warm, But only once a year we say Mother we wish you “Happy Mother’s Day!”


All your love, all your caring ways, all your giving these years are the reasons why my heart thinks of you on Mother’s Day with a wish for happiness and a world full of love.


Best friends and the best mother ever; you are seriously a gift to me Mommy. I love you. Happy Mother’s day.


I might have never ever said thank you for all that you did for me. You brought me into this world, taught me how to walk, protected me from harm, motivated me to take decisions on my own, supported me whenever I stumbled and most importantly picked me up whenever I fell. So I am taking this day as an opportunity to thank you. Thank you so much Mom! Happy Mother’s day!

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